Poor Oral Health Linked To Asthma
As a Vancouver family dental provider, our staff at Ostenson Dental wants to provide you with the latest news regarding oral health. The more you understand about the risks facing your oral health, the better prepared you’ll be to protect the long-term health of your teeth and gums.
In a recent study, researchers examining the relationship between bleeding gums and respiratory health have discovered a consistent but unexplained link. Conducted by researchers at Haukeland University Hospital’s Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, the study was published in the journal PLOS One.
Gaining A Better Understanding
While the natural connection between the lower airways and oral cavity seems fairly obvious, researchers have been at a loss to fully understand the relationship.
According to researchers, the purpose of this latest study was to examine the links that exist between asthma symptoms and bleeding gums, as well to further explore the potential explanation between these links, while also assessing the role metabolic pathways, asthma medication, smoking and independent factors like dental hygiene and acid reflux may play.
As part of the study, researchers examined the date from over 13,000 people in Northern Europe who filled out postal questionnaires. Specific questions assessed smoking history, frequency of bleeding gums, respiratory health and demographic data. The researchers found that education level, acid reflux, infrequent teeth brushing, increased BMI and cardio-metabolic disease all increased the risk of bleeding gums.
The prevalence of all the respiratory outcomes increased with how often participants experienced bleeding gums. This was especially true for those suffering from asthma. While researcher already understand that inhaled medications have an affect on oral health, this study marks the first time researchers discovered that asthma symptoms were even more “strongly associated with gum bleeding in asthmatics not using asthma medication.”
The researchers believe that oral bacteria may play a part in respiratory health, especially for smokers. Researchers also hypothesis that these types of factors are likely to have an effect on the oral mucose and the mucose of lower airways. Researchers conclude that their study suggest an important relationship exists between asthma and oral health. Researchers believe it possible that aggressive oral bacteria could explain the link between respiratory health and oral health. However, further research is needed before a clear cause and effect relationship can be established.
Protecting Your Oral Health
As a Vancouver family dental provider, the staff at Ostenson Dental is here to help protect your long-term oral health. If you have any questions about potential risk factors facing your oral health, feel free to ask any member of our staff during your next appointment.